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Telford Junior School

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready

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Information for Families of Children Joining the School

Information Evening for Parents/Carers of Children Joining the School in September 2024

New Starters Forms

School Meals 

Educaterers provides meals for our school. School meal information is found under the letters section on the website which will be updated when we receive information on the new lunch menu


Payment for School Meals and Activities

We operate ParentPay for parents/carers to pay for meals and activities in school. Your new user ID and password can only be issued after your child is registered with us on their first day of school. This process will take a few days when your child joins us but they can order and receive school meals during the time your ParentPay account is being set up.


Free School Meals

The Universal Entitlement to Free School Meals for your child stops when they move into Year 3.  This means that if your child is eligible to continue to receive free school meals, you need to apply.  Please apply online as soon as possible at:


If your child is not registered with this department by the beginning of the Autumn Term 2024, unfortunately they will not receive a free school meal when they join Telford Junior School in September.


If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals but you are intending to provide packed lunches, it would be very beneficial to the school if you could still apply. The school receives funding based on the number of registered children eligible for free meals. The money is received in the budget allocated to the school, so we rely on this funding in order to cover all the costs associated with running the school. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01926 424664 or  if you have any queries.


New Wraparound Provision at Telford Junior School


Further to the information we shared with you before the half-term holiday, about Before and After School Care provision from September 2024, we would like to share an update on the next steps.

GO GO Makers are looking forward to delivering the Before and After School Care starting from Wednesday, 4th September 2024.

For those who are keen to secure their place, you will be able to contact GO GO Makers from the week commencing 17th June 2024, when they will be able to provide you with information on how to book and an information pack. GO GO Makers are happy to speak with you before or after this date, if you have any questions.

GO GO Makers believe they will be able to satisfy the demand for places in September and do not anticipate any disappointment, however, priority will be given to families who have been using the SMILES provision previously. 



Telephone:  01926 935377

