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Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages

At Telford Junior School, we want to inspire children to learn other languages as well as English in a fun and interactive way. We are incredibly fortunate at Telford to have a range of languages spoken and this is celebrated through our Annual Languages Week (see below for pictures from our one in November 2022).


We have adapted our language curriculum using the Language Angels scheme to support teaching Spanish as our main language alongside an Enrichment language in each Year Group. This is based on the Languages National Curriculum, which is statutory from KS2. Our aim is to feed foreign languages into everyday learning including our cross-curricular links in other subjects to provide a broad and balanced curriculum.


Our scheme of work for Languages has adapted from the “Language Angels” Curriculum and covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. This scheme was chosen because it was created by subject experts and is based on the latest pedagogical research. It provides an innovative progression framework where language content (concepts, knowledge, skills, and objectives) has been organised into interconnected pathways.


The Language Angels Curriculum is structured in units, separated into three Teaching Types: 


  • Early Language
  • Intermediate
  • Progressive 


Each unit offers the opportunity to explore the following areas of the Languages Curriculum.


  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing


Progression occurs in each of the key skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar within and across each Teaching Type and Unit. Children are also introduced to phonological awareness in the allocated language, which has been proven to support reading in English as well. With support from Language Angels, we have carefully allocated units to year groups based on our assessment of children’s prior language learning. This is because, other than beginning the year with the Phonetics unit, the units themselves do not need to be taught in order, as long as they are in the appropriate learning level of the year group. The lessons within a unit must be taught in order.

MFL Curriculum

Languages Week November 2022
